Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Zeus the thunderbolt?

This week our focus was on Zeus the King of the Gods and the ruler of Mount Olympus. We looked at many aspects of Zeus’ character and powers. Firstly we needed to consider whether Zeus was a tyrant (tyrannos) or king. Zeus could be considered as a tyrant as he killed and overthrew the previous king of the Gods (Cronus) however Zeus is also King by progression (basileus) as he succeeded his father that died. Some may argue that is makes Zeus a tyrant and a rightful king at the same time because of the way he came to power.

We also considered the powers Zeus has; one of these powers which are not always thought about is Zeus’ power to overthrow his own fate. The Greeks believed once your fate was decided there was no going back or being able to change it, so it would have been a big thing to be able to overcome your own fate.  Zeus managed to overthrow his fate of being eaten by his father/ being killed. He was eaten but managed to survive and overthrow his father fulfilling his father’s fate. Zeus’ fate like his father was to have one of his children over throw him and kill him but that never happened showing Zeus managed to overthrow his own fate and must have been superior or very powerful as no one else could overthrow their fate. Mortals such as King Laius from Oedipus try to overthrow their fate but do not succeed. Laius was told his son would grow up and kill him and marry his wife. To avoid this Laius exposed his son at birth however his son was passed on to people from a neighbouring city and he survived and overthrew his father. This shows Zeus was superior to Laius as he managed to overthrow his own fate. This could show that Zeus was the rightful king of the Gods as he had powers that no one else had so could arguably be superior to all the other Gods and mortals.

Hecate was considered a titan due to her parentage of Persaeus (Perses) and Asteria. When Zeus came to power he took all the powers away from all the titans accept Hecate as he held her in such high regard. Hecate was left with her powers and was held in high regards by the immortal Gods. This shows that even though Hecate was the Goddess of witchcraft and ‘dark’ attributes she was still honoured and respected by the other deities showing that she was considered a Goddess to keep on your good side as she could help you in the long run.

The image shows Zeus getting ready to throw a thunderbolt. The thunderbolt was one of Zeus’ attributes. The Greeks believed that Zeus’ true form could have been a thunderbolt as Gods could not appear to mortals in their true form as this would kill the mortals so they would not have known. There is an argument that is Zeus powerful because he has the thunderbolt or because he is the thunderbolt? This is a hard argument to answer as no one would know if Zeus was a thunderbolt or if he just held one. I think we would have to go back to the belief system of the Ancient Greeks and they would probably say Zeus’s true form was a thunderbolt as they believe that Olympia was the home of the Olympic games because Zeus came down from Mount Olympus and that is where he landed, others argue that Zeus threw a thunderbolt from mount Olympus and that Olympia is where it landed. So I don’t think it is possible for us to answer whether Zeus was a thunderbolt or whether he just held a thunderbolt.



Hornblower, S and Spawforth, A. (1998). The oxford companion to classical civilization (oxford)



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